I refuse to stray too far

I’m going to sound like a broken record for the next month.

I’m stressed. I’m tired. I’m sick of work. I haven’t been eating well. I feel bloated. My energy levels have dropped. My weight is up.

I can’t blame it all on work, yet having a ridiculous amount of work to do by myself is tough. Five weeks until my project is out the door. Probably another four weeks of crazy hours.

Despite all this, I still want to lose a total of 50 pounds by Thanksgiving. I better stop my belly-aching and get back on track.



In need of a more serious plan!

I’ve been doing okay on my goals…I’m sticking to my exercise plan and drinking my water. But my diet needs major improvement! I’m pretty sure that time of the month is coming up, and I’m having a hard time controlling myself and seem to “need” sugar! (sorry if this is TMI, but hey, it effects hormones which effect everything) But all isn’t lost. I have a plan!

First of all, I have this weird pull towards my treadmill right now. I’m feeling a major urge to dust it off and start to incorporate it into my exercise routine. It definitely needs a good internal cleaning before I can use it. The last few times I used it, it was really acting up on me. But I’ve had it for 8 years and never cleaned it! Plus I used it a LOT the first few years after I bought it. So that’s on my list for the weekend. Get the treadmill cleaned and up to par!

Next, I need to do better with meal planning. This flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-non-plan isn’t working! I need to start printing the recipes I want to try, and pick one a week. There are so many great blogs with the kind of recipes I’m looking for, so no more excuses, right?