A Fresh Start

There is something about turning the calendar to April that signifies a new beginning. In my mind, this is when spring begins, even though there may still be some snow on the ground. It was only 18 degrees Fahrenheit when I left the house this morning. But still, there is no doubt. Spring is here!

Our first calf of the year was born over the weekend. It’s hard to believe we started out with just two cows and two calves born that year. This year, we expect a total of eight calves to be born. While I don’t have much to do with the cattle, I do enjoy seeing those fuzzy babies. And there is something soothing about hearing cattle chew grass while on pasture in the summer. Ah, perhaps I am really a farm girl at heart.


Kittens will also start arriving soon. Yay!

April is when my mind really turns toward thoughts of our vegetable garden, my small flower garden and flower pots. I am very much a gardening novice, but enjoy picking out flowers for my containers. And while I haven’t done much with our vegetable garden the past few years, I enjoy planning new vegetables, and sometimes fruits, to try to grow. Luckily Marcus doesn’t need to spend too much time in the garden either, thanks to the garden mats he bought. Since our garden is huge, it has really saved us tons of time weeding. Because let’s face it, the weeding rarely happened. We couldn’t keep up on it even when we tried.

Let’s celebrate spring and new beginnings!